Life. In Real Time.

I read this mom’s letter to her boys that perfectly articulates how I feel about giving into kids with electronics. All too often, I am reminded in ways that are often subtle, but occasionally overtly indignant, that I couldn’t possibly understand the demands and rigors of parenthood. God has the final say on whether I will be a parent or not, but as a teacher of children that often depend on electronics to the point of addiction and overstimulation masking itself as ADD/ADHD, I am not ignorant. As an adult, I could do better to modify my own time with electronics, because if/when the day comes that God decides it is time for me to be a wife and a mother, I do not want my children to get the wrong message. I do not want them to see that when you are waiting/bored, you can and should seek to pass the time with unlimited access to electronic devices. Whether it’s at baseball practice, the doctor’s office, a music lesson, and extremely important times such as family dinners, holidays, and most important of all, CHURCH, electronics can and will wait. I want my kids (students included) to be attentive, outgoing, compassionate individuals who are okay with putting their desires aside for the sake of others; who are okay with reading or drawing during wait/down time. I want them to be insatiably inquisitive, comfortable with their own thoughts, open to beauty, possibility, and wonder at all of God’s creation in all seasons. As with anything that I would like to see in others, let it begin with me.

A Letter To My Boys (The Real Reason I Say No To Electronics) – Repost

About MH

Teacher, Aspiring Writer, Would-be World Traveler, Lover of Life, Servant of God.Sometimes I think that the more I learn, the less I understand but I know this much to be true: Life is God's gift to us and how we choose to live it is our gift to Him.The world is a mess, but it's more often than not, a beautiful place. Hope to see you along the road.
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1 Response to Life. In Real Time.

  1. Thank you for linking to my post! Blessings!

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